Monday, November 3, 2008

Living in a Community

By: Scott McIntosh

Have you ever tired living with thirty other people? Well we have been doing just that for the last month and I have got to say, it is one of the most, well, interesting experiences I have ever had.

The whole idea of “what is mine is yours and yours is mine” has taken a whole new to us. We live literally on top of each other and in doing so have become an extremely tight knit community. We share everything with everybody, all the time and sometimes that’s tough, really tough.

Imagine, being woke up, 7:57am, breakfast is at 8, you jump out of bed grab for your sweater and oh there’s your sweater walking out the door on someone else. Your frustration of being cold on the way to breakfast, as well as late is starting to build when you walk out to see everyone going to be late!
Your brief anger rushes to laughter and thus starts another awesome day in our site two community.

With each day, we learn more about each other and take up new challenges, and wild experiences. As a strong community we try ANYTHING…body surfing through rapids, rope swing into water that feels like two degrees…easy no problem.
Twenty-one in two bedrooms…well that is a bit sketchy but our community even conquers this seemingly impossible feat.
It truly is amazing to see how God is working in our small community to let us become more of a family. It is honestly the most wicked chill time having 9 brothers and 21 sisters.

Even though we have spent a mere month together we already mean so much to each other, and I for one am amped to see which challenges and barriers we as a family living for God will overcome next!

Starting with…figuring out how to have enough hot water for the guys once ALL the girls have taken their showers. Pray for us!

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